Shave - Lioness Chasing Impala Antelope" Maquette
Bronze with Granite Base
Edition of 10, 29" H
Base size: 20" x 12"
Also Available:
"Close Shave - Lioness Chasing
Impala Antelope" Lifesize
Lifesize Bronze, Edition of 6
Height from ground to horn tip: 10' 6" H
Base size: 5' 8" x 3' 8"

by S. Sabella. |
"I have
always been impressed by the beauty and sculptural qualities of
male impala when they jump high, and have been hesitant to attempt
such a venture because of how the piece may be supported without
being a gimmick. Having seen a lioness make a failed attempt at
catching such a jumping male impala in full flight, I have used
the lioness to support the impala, which is just attached to the
end of her paw." - Robert Glen |
here to return to Robert Glen's main page. |