Sculptor Michael Hamby has been blessed with a unique combination
of talents which he has actively pursued throughout his life –
as an artist, musician, published illustrator, and a retired professional
football player. Drafted from Utah State University by the Buffalo
Bills in 1985, Michael managed to tackle his four years with the
team with the same amount of enthusiasm that he has for life. During
his football days, he spent a great deal of time working on a literacy
program with the Western New York Elementary Schools through his
illustrated children's book series entitled "Darby the Dinosaur".
He believes it was a wonderful opportunity to be involved with the
community in both capacities as a football player and an artist.
Michael's heartfelt discussions with the children were meant to
reveal to the kids that you can do anything that you set your mind
After a career-ending injury in 1989, Michael went back to his first
natural born talent, his artwork. He has received commissioned sculpture
projects from Merrill Lynch, USA Today, Baseball Weekly, the National
Wildlife Research Center in Fort Collins, CO, the Buffalo Naval
Park, and the National Football Hall of Fame. Born and raised in
Utah, Mike has always had a fascination for Native American culture,
wildlife, and the history that shaped the land that surrounded him,
which he strives to incorporate into his art. Today, Hamby says,
"All my intensity and energy goes into my art now . . . I've
found what I love to do."

Michael Hamby with the clay version of his monument "Meet the