sculpture "Cougar" was the maquette for the over-live-sized
"Cougar Bench" sculpture. When the historic building at
Fourth and Lincoln in Loveland, CO, burned down, the city decided
to build a Pocket Park on the spot, for "quiet times, lunch-time
concerts, and gatherings for community festivals." The "Cougar
Bench" was created to provide a resting place for visitors
to the park, affording the unique experience of sitting with a friendly
Mountain Lion at one's shoulder. It was commissioned via open competition
by the Visual Arts Commission of Loveland, installed in 1990, and
has since become a popular place for kids, adults and family pets
to have their pictures taken. No one knows how to relax like a cat.
But even in repose, the feline is always alert, always aware of
what goes on around him."
- Rosetta
won awards at the Pen and Brush Sculpture Exhibition in NY as well
as the people's choice "Best Piece in the Berkley Gallery"
at the Best of Scottsdale event in Scottsdale, AZ.