April of 2003, the City of Keller and the newly formed Keller Public
Arts Board hosted the Sculptureworks, Inc. "Sculpture Along the
Trinity at Bear Creek" Sculpture Show and Sale at the Keller
Town Center.
The Friends of the Keller Public Library purchased Karen Crain's
sculpture "Circle of Friends" for permanent placement
at the Keller Public Library in order to initiate the show. "Circle
of Friends" was unveiled during the opening night gala on Friday,
April 4, 2003.
The show presented more than 300 works of sculpture by the Sculptureworks,
Inc. consortium of artists. Several artists were also present during
the weekends of the show to conduct lectures and workshops free
to the public. Throughout the week, many schoolchildren from Keller
ISD and local homeschools participated in clay classes.
2003 show was well received and was a huge success for the City
of Keller. The Keller Public Arts Board continues to raise funds
in order to provide more public sculpture for the City of Keller.

sculpture "Circle of Friends" by Karen Crain was chosen
as the poster icon for the 2003 "Sculpture Along the Trinity
at Bear Creek" Sculpture Show and Sale.